HOW TO EXTEND YOUR LIFE SPAN. Real life extenders....

     When it comes to life, the choice is not quantity versus quality. You can have it both ways. The idea is not to extend life for the sake of living longer but to be able to have sex, play golf(or your favorite sport), travel, and enjoy life up to the very end.

     You don't have to make new year resolutions like "i'll never eat a cheese steak again". Small changes like taking the stairs instead of the elevator and getting enough sleep can make a difference for the average person says Dr. James Enstrom of the University of California, Los Angeles. Aside from the lifestyle changes you here about all the time, there are loads of honestly enjoyable ways you can make your life happier, and longer.



  Take up a sport. Almost any sport will do. Recruit some friends or family to play with on a regular basis. And chances are good that you will still be living the sporting life all the way into your seventies and beyond.

   A team of Swdish researchers study the effects of regular activitiy throughout life on the physical ability of  233 men at the age of 76. The volunteers were asked to describe their involvement in competitive sports, recreaional sports, occupational physical work, and household work as well as their means of transportation during the five periods of their lives, beginning at the age of 10. The men who had the highest level of physical activity after age 35 were the most mobile at age 76.

And the best activity for ensuring that you will still be brisk at three-quaters of a century is playing recreational sports. Regular physical activity has been linked to lower rate of high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis, colon cancer, anxiety, and depression. People who get their body moving for close to half-hour most days of the week actually have about half the risk for heart disease that sedentary people can expect.
    A study of almost 10,000 people found that those who became fit during a five-year period had about half the risk of dying from any cause compared to those who stayed out of shape. "Even making small changes like walking to the bus stop, mowing the lawn without a riding mower, and climbing the stairs at work can make a difference," says Dr. Goldberg.

On the other hand, by choosing absolute inactivity, you can shave almost six years off your life span, according to findings from a study of 27,000 people by researchers in California..
Studies also shows that taking time to play can sure take the edge of a stressful day.  

2.)    BE CURIOUS:

Researchers from Menlo Park, California, who conducted a five-year study of 1,118 people between the ages 60 and 86 found that those who were still alive at the end of the study had significantly higher levels of curiosity than those who had died during the same time.

 Curiosity is not only a driving force that keeps your grey matter stoked, but maintained overtime, it can also help you find suitable ways to cope through the myriad challenges that life throws your way as you age says Gary E. Swan,  Phd., director of the center for health sciences at SRI international in Menlo Park.

“Older adults should attend as many continuing education classes as possible because they provide the environments support for you to solve problems creatively, to try new things, and to listen to new ideas,” Dr. Swan advises.


Finding a mate and being happily married is about as good as, if not better for our health than quitting smoking, maintaining healthy blood pressure, eating a low-fat diet, or exercising more, than 60 minutes a day. Marriage may also be the key to disease survival, say experts. When researchers at the veterans Administration Medical Center in Miami checked the survival rates of 143,969 men with prostate Cancer, they found that those who were married lived almost three years longer than those who either were never married or were separated or divorced. Marriage is even better for your health if you do it only once. Researchers found that the trauma of divorce can be bad enough to negate the benefits of being remarried.


Remember the old saying “an apple a day” cliché? Well, a 20-some-year study of almost 10,000 people in Finland confirmed it. Those who ate the most flavonoids, which are natural antioxidants found in many fruits and vegetables, had lower risks for all cancers and half the risk for lung cancer than those who ate the least. The clear winner for lowering lung cancer rates? You guessed it: apples. But apples are not the only fruit of paradise for your health. A study of more than 2000 people Welsh men demonstrated that those who ate the most of any kind of fruit had half the risk of all cancers compared to those who ate the least.

5.)    LAUGH IT OUT:

A Japanese researcher studying 157 men and women ages 65 and older has found a strong connection  between maintaining a general sense of well-being and having low levels of total cholesterol, low levels of artery-blocking low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and high levels of healthful high-density lipoprotein(HDL) cholesterol. Lifting your spirits, he concluded, is important in caring for your heart. Any moves that men can make to relieve their moods will probably decrease their risks for heart attack, says Dr. Ichiro Kawachi of the Harvard School of Public Health.

    The most effective way of living long and healthy is by treating your health as the most important part of your life. "True wealth is good health"


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