Why we Die Young.

Okay, so death is inevitable. But dying before our time is not. Granted, many millions of people do make a hasty exit from the human race long before they're ready to pass the baton, but that's not because they're built that way. Often, they simply do things to accelerate the process.
      The saying "live fast, die young" applies here, says Dr. Webtser. Men smoke tobacco. They eat fatty foods. they sit around and dont exercise. They do all this wrong things. Then they end up with real trouble like heart disease or cancer and act like it's a sudden occurence. Those diseases are not a consequence of aging they're a consequence of living poorly. Start laying plaque in your arteries, and you'll end up with heart disease. Injure your cells with toxins from cigarette smoke, and you'll get cancer.
       And even if you somehow escape from the damage you've done, you may still accelerate the aging process, so you dont live as long as you should have.

       You can affect how long your cells continue to reproduce healthily by taking care of yourself. Its not that your clock tick, tock, tick, tock and bang! you're dead. Your environment,especially your lifestyle, influences  the tiking of the clock.

      You know what to do to live as long as you're suppose to. Dr Hekimi says "Dont smoke, Drink responsibly. Be active, but don't over do it. Don't work too hard. Don't eat garbage. Living to your maximum life span is mostly in your own hands. Experts can tell you what to do. But then you have to do the rest.


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